Sunday, January 31, 2016

Evaluation of New York Times Stories

Story 1: In Iowa, Voters on the Edges may Set Tone for Primaries

-I guess the main character to this story would be the voters of Iowa. Despite the belief that this wouldn't be a crucial state at the beginning of the presidential race, it has become quite vital in deciding which candidates will make it past the primaries. This state is so crucial because it is viewed as a swing state, meaning many voters have not chosen their candidate, and they don't typically vote one way or the other.
-The events in this story mainly take place in the state of Iowa, or the voting polls of the state.
-The main debate in this story is over who the voters will vote for in the primary election and because there is a lot of anti-Washington, anti-establishment sentiment in the state, the media is not sure which side the vote will swing for.

Story 2: Microsoft Plumbs Ocean's Depths to Test Underwater Data Center

-The main character in this story would be the company of Microsoft.
-The setting would be Redmond, Washington because the story is an explanation of an interview held between the writer and the researchers of Microsoft. The researchers are explaining their plans to the writer and even show him a prototype of the device they are building.
-There is not so much a big debate or problem, more of a few concerns about building the underwater data center like how it will affect Marine life.

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