Sunday, January 31, 2016

Twitter and What I Found There

1st Page: @ezraklein

-This twitter account, created by Ezra Klein, the founder of is your basic slightly biased news and politics-based Twitter feed. Vox is a news website that focuses on not only telling the news but also explaining it, it's described as a "news website for the 21st century". The general focus of this twitter feed is mostly the political debates, scandals, and talks about the upcoming presidential election. Election year is always a frenzy for news outlets and this one is no different with notable jabs at the media's favorite candidate to pick on, Donald Trump.
-The two most interesting stories being discussed to me are the continued debate over Hillary Clinton's classified emails from Benghazi and the dispute over how effective President Obama's healthcare plan has been. Of course, these are ever-hot topics, two of which I follow and keep a keen eye on. I think what I find so interesting is that we are still finding out new information about each and testing out how well has actually managed in its short time being active.
-Honestly, this is what I usually see from Twitter feeds surrounding politics. I already follow a few twitter accounts based on politics and they seem to generally be the same; providing opinions on the current political sphere and in this case, presidential candidates, with a sprinkling of whitty comments in the mix to make it a more digestible read.

Wright, Monty. Problems with Political Parties. 10/19/2012 via Wordpress. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

2nd Page: @politicalwire 

-This Twitter feed is almost completely devoted to following the presidential campaign, in fact I don't think I found one story that was not about one of the candidates or the results from the most recent Republican debate. However, although this account is still somewhat biased, it is not as biased as some I have seen. Then again, the man that runs this twitter has his own blog as well, where he is much more biased and opinionated about the topics he discusses.
-To me, the two most interesting stories are the ones about the "swing vote" in Iowa and the hundreds of stories about Trump, mostly because they are rather entertaining.
-Again, this twitter feed was pretty predictable as far as political news feeds go, especially with the looming presidential debate. I'm not sure if it is one I would follow myself since I typically see these same stories everyday, but it is definitely worth a browse through to familiarize yourself with all of the drama and debates surrounding the presidential election.

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