Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

Story 1: DNC caves, Agrees to sanction more Democratic presidential debates

-Most of the stories I have seen recently have been pertaining to the Republican debate, which lends the question, why haven't we seen more Democratic debates? So that's exactly what we're getting. The public has demanded to see more of the Democratic candidates and the Democratic National Committee has finally caved. Most of the stories on this forum are pretty much just following the presidential race.

-Most interesting things: Most of the stories found seem to be about Trump and the Republican candidates, this was probably one of the first to actually talk about more of the Democratic candidates than just Hillary Clinton.

-Overall, people are VERY opinionated, especially when it comes to politics and they are not afraid to show it. Presidential races always make people a little crazier and more on edge, so the political sphere is really buzzing right now.

Story 2: Poll-Who won the Fox News Republican Debate?

-I thought it was very interesting that on the Reddit forum website, there was actually a live poll being conducted discussing who won the most recent Republican debate. Trump, who didn't even show up and held his own rally in Iowa instead, is apparently the clear winner with 37% of the vote.

-Most interesting things from this story: Even though Trump is shown as the bad guy across pretty much every news outlet, which he does to himself most of the time, he is still the front-running candidate for the Republican side according to many of the polls out there.

-Overall, this is what I kind of expect to see from many Republican polls now, and I am not sure whether to take them seriously, or if it is some kind of fluke. Either way, the general consensus is that Trump is making a rather large statement and there are plenty of people who are ready to pounce on the opportunity to comment on it.

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