Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

What you need to know:
  1. First off, as we all know, this is a very rough cut. I have not yet added in all of the sound effect or music that I will be adding into my final, so this is purely information. I am focusing more on getting the raw material out first and then making it sound better after. I am also still fiddling with inserting clips within my voice clips, so there will be more than just me talking throughout.
  2. I am already aware that at some points I kind of pause or tangle my words, but for me getting the information I wanted out first was the most important, so I am aware that as of right now I sound like I am kind of fumbling for words at points and taking pauses and saying "um".
  3. At this point, I feel like I know what I'm talking about, but I am honestly not positive about what it is in here that is really my strength just yet. I don't really like my project all that much right now, but I know I will as I continue to edit and make my speech more refined. If you could just help me identify some, if any strengths, I have so I can really amplify those and use those to my advantage that would be great!

Here is my first rough cut! It is broken into sections right now, but I will edit them together shortly.

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