Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Gabrielle Dietrich

For this second peer review, I chose to review a standard college essay. I feel like these usually contain the most content with the best explanations, so I wanted to see how that was incorporated for this project. I have also already looked at A LOT of podcasts, so I wanted to look at something different.

Gabby's Project- Journals versus Blog Posting: The Rhetoric World of Environmentalism

To review her project, I focused in on the copy-editing aspect after reading through her paper, because her content was well-organized and she didn't need much work on it.

The biggest thing I commented on was incorporating more in-text citations for her paper, since that is definitely a big convention of the standard college essay, and although she had sources she did not have many incorporated into the essay. I just incorporated some of the conventions of a standard essay into my review.

I really like that I felt like I actually got a sense of writing within the field of environmentalism from her paper. I really admired her content and how much information she provided.

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