Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Project 2 Pre-Production

Audience Questions:
  1. I was really able to hone in on what I wanted to discuss in my project and get a better idea of what I am really supposed to do for this. I completed my content outline which I was kind of afraid of at first, because I didn't really feel like I had a firm grasp of what exactly it was I was supposed to include in my project as far as content. Now I definitely understand it much better, with my content outline, and I feel much more confident about this project.
  2. Like I kind of already discussed, I had some challenges with getting my content outline started because I really wasn't sure about the content of my podcast. With that completed now, and having already received some feedback on it, I really feel like I know what I'm doing now.
  3. Next week should be fine, content-wise, but I have never recorded a podcast before, or edited one, so that should be interesting. Honestly, I am most concerned about being able to make a good and not boring podcast that incudes all the conventions of a podcast.
  4. Overall, I am feeling pretty good about this project so far. I definitely feel a lot better about this project than I did at this point for project 1. I feel like I know a lot more what I am discussing and how to communicate it.

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