Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reflection on Production Part 1

  1. One of the biggest things that went right this week was me gathering the rest of the material and genre examples for the project. I had several in mind that I was thinking of using, but I able to narrow it down to the three main examples I wanted to use this week. I also started playing with the podcast software I found and made a few rough cuts of audio.
  2. My biggest challenge to this point has been trying to figure out how to make the podcast interesting enough for someone to listen to for a prolonged period of time, and actually stay interested in the topic. The second biggest challenge I have face is figuring out how to make and edit a podcast successfully. I'm not sure if I may need to just find a new software or something, but so far the process is just okay.
  3. I am definitely feeling more confident about next week, but I am not completely sure of how I want to go about finishing making the rest of the podcast at this point.
  4. Overall, I am feeling pretty good about this project. The only thing I still feel kind of unsure about is how to actually edit my podcast and make it sound like a legitimate podcast that I would be comfortable sharing with the public.

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