Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on the Past Week

  1. The biggest thing that went right this week was that I finally found a good editing software for my podcast, which was recommended to me by one of my group members. Once I found that, everything as far as production went pretty smoothly. However, I was slammed with a lot of work from other classes this week, and didn't have much time to do much revision during the week so it was unfortunately left to this weekend.
  2. Well I kind of already answered this in the last question, but like I said, one of the things that I struggled with was trying to edit my podcast with such little time to do it. I was eventually able to get it done and to a level which I do actually like, more than I thought I would honestly, but it took me longer than I had hoped.
  3. Next week, I am actually really excited to get started on a new project, especially because I am most excited for this public argument. I find myself to be pretty good at arguing a good case, so I am looking forward to this week. My biggest challenge with this next project will be the video editing. I have done some in the past, but not with many special effects.
  4. Overall, I feel pretty good about this project. Honestly, this wasn't the most interesting project to work on, but at this point, I do feel like I have gained some insight into writing within my field.

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