So despite the trials and tribulations I faced in this classes, the struggles I overcame, and the complete discontinuity from any other English I have ever taken, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience in Honors English with Mr. Bottai. I feel like I not only learned a lot about writing and the writing experience, but also about how to deal with professionals in the "real world" as us college kids like to call it. I really saw the importance of having strong writing skills both within the academia field and outside of it and how it can be utilized to my greatest advantage. Not only that, but I learned a lot about myself and just what exactly I am capable of as a writer and creator of media. The skills I learned in this class like time management, networking, and analysis will definitely be skills I will be able to apply in future careers and endeavors in my life.
Revised Section:
If I am completely honest with myself, I learned a lot about writing and the process it takes to be a good writer, but it was not easy. I struggled a lot at the beginning with the new technology I was forced to use, I struggled with maintaining the care of myself and what I was eating for a while and getting enough sleep, and I struggled with managing my time at the beginning. So although the process was kind of a rough one for me, I learned a lot of professional life skills I will be able to take with me to future career ventures and life in general. This class made me become okay with being uncomfortable and being under an immense amount of mental stress and I know those things will only benefit me, especially with the career I want to pursue.
Basically what I am trying to say is that it is okay to be uncomfortable and over-worked and overly stressed, but learning how to deal with that and still thrive is a very important skill to have. This class not only taught me that, but I know beyond a doubt it has made me a much better writer and much more aware of my writing situation and for that, I will be ever grateful. Who knew you could learn all that form a college honors English course? Changes:
- Connection to life and what I learned that I will use in future academic endeavors and life in general.
- Confessed I had plenty of struggles, but that is all part of the learning process
- How the class has helped me in more than just writing.
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