Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

First Review: Nick Hernandez's Podcast

Second Review: Leah Crowder's QRG

1. I definitely need to add more conventions of a QRG in mine. Leah utilized bullet points and quick answers and it made her QRG so much easier to digest than just two long paragraphs. I also need to be more quick ad to the point and really expand on my background information, since that is so vital to my topic.

2. Top 3 problems with my QRG:
  • Lacking conventions of a QRG- I need to add in more bullets, subheadings, pictures, quick and succinct explanations, etc. to make this easily readable.
  • Lacking enough background and in-depth detail of the events surrounding the controversy before, during and after the fact- I need to beef up my facts basically and make it less boring and confusing.
  • Further explain why this is such a hot topic to the audience and not just the one seen plastered all over the media about Clinton.- There are several issues I could delve into deeper in this QRG to really enhance my analysis of the controversy.
3. Strengths of my draft:
  • Good, not great yet, explanation of the actual attack on Benghazi with decent imagery- I need to further enhance this feel so the audience feels as if they were there.
  • Good illustration of the key stakeholders, but I could definitely enhance their characters and why they stand to gain or lose so much.
  • Solid foundation for a good analysis, but I definitely need to build on my analysis a lot this weekend.

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