Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period


15 Libyans helping US investigation into US Benghazi mission attack murdered: US Senate report

US House Republicans vote to start new Benghazi investigation


All-Star Panel: Truth about Libya attack continues to come out

State Department Screwed Up Tripoli Escape, Won't Say How


Marathon Benghazi hearing leaves Hillary Clinton largely unscathed

Benghazi attack suspect pleads not guilty

At the same time this event occurred, or right before, there was a video released on YouTube which sparked a lot of outrage and protest across the Muslim world as it depicted the Prophet Mohammed in a very negative and derogatory light. This was originally seen as the cause of the attack, but because of the significance of the date September 11, and other evidence that was gathered from the ambassador, this attack was believed to be pre-planned. The date of the attack was chosen specifically because of its significance to the US and as a probe to the US that the problem with Al Qaeda is not over, despite the rising tensions occurring with ISIS at the time, when it was just beginning to be a problem.

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