Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #2

The second stakeholder for this controversy would be President Barack Obama. The reason he holds such high stakes for this is because this attack happened right in the middle of the race for his re-election. An attack like this looked terrible to the administration and only served to fuel distrust in the White House prior to the election. He directly reported about the incident and agve his statement the day following the attack and should he have said just one thing wrong, his re-election would have been in jeopardy.

President Obama is typically seen as a more lax president; he makes jokes and sparks controversy for some of the things that he does, but he always turns on the serious "president" face when it is needed. He speaks in a very distinctive way that causes the listener to wait for each word he is saying and he seems to make every word sound like a promise.


"The day after it happened I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism."

"I pledged to the American people was that I would find out what happened, make sure it did not happen again, and make sure we would hold accountable those who had perpetrated this terrible crime."

"They gave us a series of reccomendations and those reccomendations are being implemented as we speak."

What the president is basically trying to prove by these claims is that he is taking action to make sure the problem is solved and that it is being figured out and resolved "as we speak". He wants the American people to know that he is doing everything he can to not let an attack like this happen again.

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