Saturday, February 6, 2016

Analysis of my Rhetorical Situation

- My audience for this quick reference guide will most likely be individuals with an interest in politics, or at least political scandals like Benghazi, and are probably somewhat educated. This type of person I'm guessing would most likely be a student who is short on time and would more likely read a QRG on a topic then a whole news article about it. They're typical news media consumption is probably based off of common news sites that they may briefly skim every morning to keep up with the news, but don't necessarily read every story. A lot of college students especially try to stay pretty politically aware with what's going on in the US, especially with social issues, so a big controversy like this would probably peak their interest since no one person on the street could tell you everything about what happened in Benghazi. So I would guess, student, early to mid-twenty's, working class, Democrat or Republican, politically-inclined.

- One of the main reasons I chose this controversial topic to discuss is because it is the type of topic that has so many facets to it, that most people are pretty confused about what actually happened in Benghazi. My goal with this project is to create a document that outline briefly, but with detail, exactly what happened in Benghazi and why there are now so many problems with the State Department and how they dealt with the issue. This QRG should tell readers exactly what happened, but also describe why there is so much outcry from the American public and why they should be concerned with what happened, especially since one of the key people involved is now running for president and they should be fully informed about the people they are looking to vote into the most powerful position on the nation. I want people to understand fully what is going on in Libya and why this attack happened in the first place, what led up to the attack, what exactly happened during the attack, and then understand the role the State Department and Hillary Clinton played in the whole matter. I want people to read this and walk away better understanding what the media is shoveling down their throat.

- Well for one, I am a perfect fit not only because I study political science but because I am incredibly passionate about politics and foreign affairs issues, especially in the Middle East. I study the Arabic language and culture as well so I have a unique knowledge of how and why the area the US occupies is under such strife and what kind of problems arise because of that. Additionally, I have followed the development of this story since day one of it occurring, something which most students and even your typical American probably hasn't done because I tend to follow any story which is related to politics and involves investigation. Basically, I study political science because I genuinely love the study of politics and world affairs, and I think I can really show that passion through my writing and re-telling/analysis of the problems in Beghazi that led to an attack.

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